Monday, July 31, 2006

A Plug For Kevin Sites

Hey, a couple of comments from two new commenters (not to mention one from Ben whose constant comments keep us going)! Thanks for tolerating the stark juxtaposition of the conflict in Lebanon with the usual baby fare, but perhaps it can be a reminder to all of us that these people whose homes are being bombed, especially the kids, are someone's babies, loved and doted upon just as much as we do to Eleanor. I read back over the post and see it's a bit dark, and I'll admit I wrote it late one pensive night, face illumined by a screen showing horrible things.

I'm glad some of you read and found the articles helpful. The internet can be a crystal ball showing us so many things, next door and a half a world away, some of which we should look at and others we shouldn't. But one good thing it does is give voice to people like Dr. Accad.

Another voice I've found compelling is that of Kevin Sites. I had previously dismissed his "solo journalism" news site "Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone" on Yahoo! as sensational. Aside from the romantic, adventurous notion of backpacking through remote, war-torn destinations to bring the stories of the people there to the West, his work, I think is quite well done. It preserves the rawness of the expereinces he's having without much time to ovely edit and produce "slick" stories. They feel more true. The video and images he has taken from Tyre particularly are very powerful, and particularly helpful in understanding just what is going on there and how it is shaping the emotional landscape in the Arab world.

Forgive me for another non-eleanor post. She is 1/3 of this Pumpkin with an L, after all.

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