Monday, October 31, 2005

Karl Rove?

So, my grandpa says that Eleanor looks like Karl Rove. Do you see the resemblance?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by bendblock.
Well, flickr, who has been hosting our pictures, just told me that I have hit my upload limit. How rude. There are six new pictures that you can access by clicking on this photo.

Monday, October 24, 2005

At the Hematologist

“What’s your problem?”
“Oh, uh, I have a blood clot in my leg.”
“Really? Wow. What were the symptoms?”
“It hurt, turned blue, and doubled in size.”
“Oh, well, you’re pretty.”

This conversation took place between the lady next to me and myself while I was waiting for some blood to be drawn at the hematologist today. I was sitting in a room full of people waiting for blood draws and I was the youngest by at least 30 years. In all, it was a good visit. The doctor does not think that a surgery would be helpful, which was good news. I am going for a Doppler study (ultrasound of my leg) tomorrow. The doctor also wanted to run some more tests to see if I have other clotting disorders. We will go back in two weeks to further discuss a treatment plan.

I’ll post some more pictures soon.

Monday, October 17, 2005

A walk in the woods

A walk in the woods
Originally uploaded by bendblock.
From the moment we found out that there was a baby, we were worried about possible birth defects caused by the rat poison I was regularly ingesting (on doctor’s orders). When Eleanor was born, she had a slight heart murmur, which indicated that there was a tiny hole in her heart. Today we returned to the pediatric cardiologist for a follow up visit. He said that Eleanor is a completely healthy, normal baby. The hole corrected itself and all is well in our baby girl. He also said that a baby that fat couldn’t have a heart problem. She now weighs 12 pounds and 10 ounces! She’s more than doubled her birth weight in less than 11 weeks. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Such Great Heights

Such Great Heights
Originally uploaded by bendblock.
I know the photo is blurry. It just gives you an idea of how her head bobbles. New pictures are available by simply clicking on this photo.

Common Conversation

"Is that your baby?"
"You look too young to have a baby."
"I know."
"Are you too young to have a baby?"

This is a real, true-to-life conversation that I had with a middle-aged church woman this morning at the Bible Study I recently joined. Sigh.

Monday, October 10, 2005

My 5

So even though Ange disqualified me, I never pass on an opportunity to tell people what to listen to.

"Sweet Lil' Gal" Ryan Adams from 'Heartbreaker'

"Ty Versus Detchibe" Prefuse 73 from 'Surrounded by Silence'

"Bob Dylan's Dream" Bob Dylan from 'The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan'

"Airline to Heaven" Billy Bragg & Wilco (by Woodie Guthrie) from 'Mermaid Avenue Vol. 2'

"The Build-Up" Kings of Convenience (feat. Feist) from 'Riot on an Empty Street'

I hereby tag David Pulliam, Robert Hand, Jacob Martinka, Brock Mitchel but he never reads this and doesn't have a blog... Dave Westbrook too, for that matter. I would tag Matt Cleveland but I already know what he's listening to. Our iPods are hopelessly inbred.

If you take at least as long to respond to this as I did, don't worry, I won't mind.


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by bendblock.
I finally caught one of these with the camera. Eleanor is usually quite happy in the mornings, she smiled when I asked her if she wanted to wear a pink sleeper, and she enjoys doing laundry. I'm starting to wonder if she is truely my child.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I Got Tagged!

angeqward tagged me.

The rules: list five songs that you are currently LOVIN'. it doesn't matter what genre they're from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs that you're really enjoying right now. post these instructions, the artists and the songs in your blog, then tag five other xangans/friends to see what they're listening to.

You're So Vain -- Carly Simon

Both of Us'll Feel the Blast -- Waterdeep

Blackbird -- The Beatles

Death of an Interior Decorator -- Death Cab for Cutie

Alphabet of Nations -- They Might be Giants

I tag sonnetjoy (Chessie), the Franklins, Ben Utter, the McNarys, and bendblock.

At the Art Show

Originally uploaded by bendblock.
On Friday we took Eleanor to the pediatrician for her well-baby visit. She tolerated the visit fairly well, except for the four shots. Her face turned red, her mouth opened wide, her eyes clamped shut, but she was too upset to cry. Within a minute she had forgotten about the shots and was on her way to sleep.

Her official weight at two months is 11 pounds and 4 ounces. I figured out that she has gained an average of 1.4 ounces per day. If she continues to grow at this rate, by the time she starts kindergarten she will weigh 193 pounds. (I really need to find more to do).

She is starting to smile more and has a growing repertoire of expressions. Right now she’s flipping me off, but I’ll excuse that for now.

On Saturday, we went with my parents to see my brother Josh’s senior show. This is a picture from the show. You can see one of Josh’s paintings in the background.