Friday, March 11, 2011


Today Charlotte and I went on a hike with Eleanor's kindergarten class.  It was great fun.
Her school is close to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  There was a nice view of it at the trailhead.  The trail was really fun, with all sorts of interesting things to see: parrots, a woodpecker, a newt, flowers.

There was a creek running through the valley, I think with runoff from the mountains.  I really liked this 
old bridge that we crossed.

Since the Station Fire in September of 2009, part of the trail has been closed.  There was someone working on clearing debris today.  The kids loved it.  Charlotte also loves chain link fences, so she was doubly happy.

We stopped at a fun place to have a snack and play.  The kids had a great time playing in the water and building small rock structures.

Charlotte and Eleanor both enjoyed the sand.
While all the older kids were playing, Charlotte looted their snacks.

Charlotte's friend Naffi gave her a ride part of the way.  Naffi is a couple of months older than Charlotte and LOVES her.  
I love that Eleanor's school is able to do this.  It's a field trip that is free, educational and so good for the kids.  Eleanor really enjoyed the trip (despite not wanting to go for fear of poison ivy).  Charlotte also enjoyed it.  Both girls were quite tired by the end of the expedition.  I was too.

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