Friday, February 09, 2007


Anonymous said...

My adorable little granddaughter can always brighten my day with a chuckle just by being herself.

Ben and Brandy said...

Hello little diva!
Thanks so much for the Valentine! We feel the same way. We also muchly enjoyed the spiderman stamp.
Brandy (and Ben)

Sam Myrick said...

Your top 5 is impressive, a lot of the same things I thought about. The Derek Webb album is the first thing I've been excited about in Christian music in a while. And your "program" is a great idea. I commute by bike now, and got an iPod shuffle for Christmas to help out. I've found that it's easier to be more intentional with it, since there's not as much room.

To answer your other questions, I'm an associate pastor at a church in Austin, TX called Mosaic. It's been great, just a wonderful fit for me. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to do pastoral ministry at a place that lets me be myself.

Your current seminary picks are admirable. If I had seminary to do over again I'd pick a divinity school or not go at all. I dropped out of Denver because it was too close to OBU, I was ready to work and stop preparing to work.